Internship Agreements
Last Updated: Oct 04, 2024, 03:06 PM
Internship Agreements
Cover Memo Templates
For questions about Internship Agreement/Amendment Templates, please contact the Office of General Counsel.
List of Active Internship Locations (xlsx)
Process for establishing an Educational Affiliation/Internship Agreement.
All Internship Agreements and amendments are maintained by SIU Extended Campus. The database is updated each month to show approved internship sites/facilities. An Agreement is ‘approved’ or ‘fully executed’ when all parties have signed the document. View the complete listing of approved internship sites.
- The Academic Department sends the completed agreement/amendment template, (agreement/amendment templates are housed by the Office of General Counsel and may be requested through them). OGC recommends a PDF version is sent to the site initially and the Word version of the template only be provided if they request changes. Please tell the site to “redline” any changes so they will be easy to see. The site/facility will do one of the following:
- sign it as is and return it;
- make any changes by redlining it and return it;
- reject the University template and provide their own template; or
- reject having any written agreement.
- If (d) happens internships should not take place at that site/facility.
- If (c) occurs, the site’s template should be sent to for review. The document should be a fully editable MS Word document. OGC will review the document and either sign off on it as “approved as to legal form”, or mark it up to show changes needed (“redline it”). OGC will return it to the department to be sent back to the site/facility for review of the changes. The document will go back and forth between the site and the academic department until an agreement is reached and is approved by OGC, or it becomes clear that an agreement will not be reached. It is recommended the academic department review the site’s initial agreement and provide any input about changes before the first submission to
- If (b) is followed the process is the same as (c) above but the University template has been 'red-lined' by the site/facility.
- Under (a) the site/facility will sign and return the document to the academic department who will submit it When submitting please indicate in the email if it is an unaltered University template. OGC will review it, make any changes needed and return it to the department who will send it back to the site for further review. If OGC determines no changes are needed it will be approved and returned to the department.
- Regardless of the scenario (a, b, c, or d), once it is stamped as “approved as to legal form” and returned to the academic department, the department must continue routing the document through the channels outlined below to obtain Provost signature:
- Complete and sign the Routing Cover Memo, or the Amendment Routing Cover Memo.
- Forward the agreement and memo to your college to sign on behalf of the dean. Please note that the memo needs to be signed by both the initiator of the agreement and by the dean of the college.
- Send the signed memo and complete agreement or amendment, including any Exhibits to
- Once signed by the Provost Extended Campus will send it back to the department.
- At this point, if the agreement is fully executed, the department will send a copy to the site/facility.
- If the agreement still needs signatures by the site/facility, send it to them to sign.
- When the fully executed agreement is returned by the site/facility, please send a copy of the signed agreement to Only then will the status be changed to ‘Approved’ and show as an approved site/facility for internships in the listing of approved sites.
If you have any questions, please contact Ann Coward at:
Download PDF version of Internship Agreement Process